We Help Facilities Save Millions of Dollars
The priority of long-term care facilities is to ensure resident care and safety, and it’s understandable that staff can easily become over-extended when trying to manage the complexities of Medicaid. Accepting Medicaid can be an essential payer source, but failing to make correct interpretations can lead to significant financial liability for the facility.
Across 64 counties in Colorado, we have helped facilities save millions of dollars. We’re here to assist you in resolving any Long-Term Care Medicaid complications that may arise within your facility. Send us a referral.

Complex Cases
Medicaid policy is complicated and difficult to navigate. Our team’s extensive knowledge allows us to assist you with any challenging Medicaid cases in your facility.

Fiduciary Services
If a resident needs help accessing their financial information or spending down, we can become Financial Power of Attorney or Court Appointed Conservator. We can assist with resolving financial issues and securing their Medicaid benefits.

Spend Down and Transition to Medicaid
We can help facilitate a seamless transition from private pay or insurance to Medicaid, ensuring there is no gap in coverage.

Faster Processing Time
We can ensure a faster processing time for submitted Medicaid applications. Our average timeframe for approval is 4-6 weeks. A faster Medicaid approval means improved cash flow for your facility.
Contracted Providers
If you have an existing contract with Helping Hands Consulting and wish to send us a referral in which you the provider are willing to pay for our services, please fill out the form below that best fits your case.
If you don’t have a contract with us and you’re interested in learning more, please reach out to our main office at 303-717-6082 or [email protected].
For Medicaid Referrals
Nursing Facility Medicaid Provider Pay Referral
Please use this form if your nursing facility will be covering the costs of our fees.
Hospital and Community Agency Medicaid Provider Pay Referral Form
Please use this form if form if your hospital or community agency will be covering the costs of our fees.
For Fiduciary Referrals
Nursing Facility Fiduciary Provider Pay Referral
Please use this form if your nursing facility will be covering the cost of our fees.
Hospital and Community Agency Fiduciary Provider Pay Referral Form
Please use this form if form if your hospital or community agency will be covering the costs of our fees.
Send us a Referral
Please use the following form if you have a patient, resident, client, or family you would like to refer to us for assistance. Please fill out the form completely.